terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012

The Unlucky Theatre - English

This animation is a result from an english work. Its objective was to present a story from the book Penguin Readers "Stories of Detection and Mystery". The choosen story was "The Unlucky Theatre" by Elliot O'Donnel.

It should be an animation, but because the time we couldn't do. We had about 3 weeks to do the work, but actually only 2 to make the animation.

I would like to thanks Ana Paula Spalenza for the opportunity to do the work.
And thanks to VMComix for provide the "Cartoon Character Pack 1" in "blendswap.com", the characters were based on this pack.

Sorry our english, we are learning yet!

English subtitles: http://youtu.be/wL4iZwqWRso

Portuguese subtitles: http://youtu.be/zmyP-pMuo9Y

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